List of 7 ancestors found in 30 iterations (7 distinct persons and 7 positions into tree)

Generation 0 - 1 person(s) on 1 (1 distinct persons)
1Dionysius Knauf (27/09/1731-28/10/1803)
Generation 1 - 2 person(s) on 2 (2 distinct persons)
2Peter Knoup (~1698-20/06/1746)
3Joanna Lousberg (~1698-19/04/1747)
Generation 2 - 2 person(s) on 4 (2 distinct persons)
4Dionysius Knauf (10/10/1666-20/03/1720)
5Gertrudis Bisschop (~1670-23/11/1709)
Generation 3 - 2 person(s) on 8 (2 distinct persons)
8Peter Knauff (~1630-)
9Ida Vroen (~1638-)