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Mrs Anne-Françoise Chasseur (Anne-Françoise )
Born at Bierwart (Na) (Belgique) on 22/09/1764.
Biography Décédé avant 1818
mariage temoins: Martin-François MASSART
mariage temoins: Ferdinand HANCHIR
Show this unionShow this union Jean Wanson (09/11/1761-14/04/1837)
Alexandrine Wanson (11/11/1789-) Show this unionShow this union Henri Damsin (07/08/1786-03/06/1840) Show their descendants
Jean-François Wanson (13/01/1792-)
Marie-Antoinette Wanson (~1795-) Show this unionShow this union Bauduin Moens (~1792-) Show their descendants
Hubert Wanson (~1797-)

Source 1 sergechasseur1
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