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Mister Ludovicus Paquay (Ludovicus )
Born at Hoeselt (Prinsbisdom Luik) on 25/08/1749. Deceased at Alt-Hoeselt (Limburg, Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nede on 26/02/1820. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Maria Vandenbosch (18/10/1751-13/09/1815)
Maria-Elisabeth Paquay (20/06/1779-23/02/1805) Show this unionShow this union Ferdinand Mottard (19/06/1780-12/12/1816) Show their descendants
Petrus Paquay (09/09/1781-07/04/1871) Show this unionShow this union Maria Milissen (12/07/1805-27/09/1861) Show their descendants
Maria-Catharina Paquay (01/04/1783-) Show this unionShow this union Wilhelmus André (~1780-) Show their descendants
Mathias Paquay (01/01/1785-16/12/1849)
Marie-Jeanne Paquay (20/12/1794-07/07/1873) Show this unionShow this union Jean-Pierre Collée (08/08/1794-1838) Show their descendants

Source 1 lucdewalquesk
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