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Mrs Marie-Henriette Joassart (Marie-Henriette )
Born at Liège on 18/09/1856. Deceased at Anvers on 16/07/1948. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Jean Dumortier (01/04/1856-15/08/1906)
Jean Dumortier (12/04/1882-09/07/1935) Show this unionShow this union Marguerite Cols (12/01/1892-14/03/1971) Show their descendants
Gabrielle Dumortier (24/03/1884-23/01/1942) Show this unionShow this union Joseph Cols (~1881-) Show their descendants
Albert Dumortier (20/09/1885-04/03/1976) Show this unionShow this union Marthe Cols (30/04/1893-10/08/1977) Show their descendants
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