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Mister Léopold d'Harveng (Léopold Joseph)
Born at Lessines on 26/10/1761. Deceased at Les Acren on 21/12/1832. Buried at .
Biography Il fit des études brillantes et, à l'Université de Louvain, le 16 mai 1788, il fut reçu Médecin - Licencié.
Show this unionShow this union Joséphine Lelubre (21/11/1768-22/01/1843)
Léopold d'Harveng (11/11/1794-23/02/1881) Show this unionShow this union Marie-Antoinette Deroy (~1797-) Show their descendants
Marie-Caroline d'Harveng (10/12/1796-18/04/1838) Show this unionShow this union Joseph Bosquet (~1793-) Show their descendants
Marie-Joséphine d'Harveng (01/10/1801-) Show this unionShow this union Jean-Baptiste Nigot (~1798-) Show their descendants
Marie-Sylvie d'Harveng (23/08/1806-) Show this unionShow this union Joseph Van der Slagmolen (~1803-) Show their descendants
Emmanuel d'Harveng (07/03/1804-01/09/1892) Show this unionShow this union Thérèse de Saint-Moulin (~1807-) Show their descendants
Léon d'Harveng (17/09/1808-1893) Show this unionShow this union Joséphine Lebrun (~1811-1890) Show their descendants
Benoît d'Harveng (01/03/1811-08/04/1868) Show this unionShow this union Clarisse de Saint-Moulin (~1814-25/04/1850) Show their descendants
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