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Mister Léovigilde Ier de Wisigothie (Léovegilde )
Born at Lorraine in 0531. Deceased at Tolède on 15/04/0586. Buried at .
Biography Décédé après 15 avril 586
Roi d'Espagne, roi des Wisigoths 568
Show this unionShow this union Theodora de Carthagene (~0534-)
Recarede de Wisigothie (~0547-0601) Show this unionShow this union Chlodoswinthe d'Austrasie (~0555-) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Floresinda des Amales (~0550-) Show their descendants
Hermenégilde de Wisigothie (0555-0585) Show this unionShow this union Ingonde d'Austrasie (0567-0585) Show their descendants
Richilde de Wisigothie (0575-) Show this unionShow this union Sigebut des Amales (~0565-0620) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Godesvinda de Wisigothie (~0531-)
Chindasvinto de Wisigothie (0563-06/10/0653) Show this unionShow this union Rekiberga Luz (~0572-0653) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Richilde de Neustrie (0554-)
Faileube de Wisigothie (0570-~0596) Show this unionShow this union Childebert II d'Austrasie (09/03/0570-10/0595) Show their descendants

Source 1 dupuisl
Source 2 fox
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