Mister Antoine-Joseph Gilles (Antoine-Joseph )
Born at Braives on 17/12/1805. Deceased at Braives on 12/02/1873. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Marie-Catherine Berger (21/02/1806-11/12/1877)
Pierre Gilles (14/09/1832-03/09/1876) Show this unionShow this union Albertine Rennoir (09/02/1828-) Show their descendants
Marie-Louise Gilles (05/12/1834-)
Marie Gilles (13/11/1837-13/04/1883) Show this unionShow this union Victor Hankenne (06/03/1834-31/12/1912) Show their descendants
Marie Gilles (15/09/1840-16/06/1869)

Source 1 phileruth
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