Mrs Augusta Misonne (Augusta Marie Joseph Clothilde)
Born at Ransart on 26/07/1883. Deceased at Gilly, on 23/02/1976. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Emile Lebas (04/03/1871-07/04/1952)
Jean Lebas (26/09/1904-2019)
Nadine Lebas (~1907-)
Albert Lebas (~1909-)
Paul Lebas (~1911-)
Marie-Thérèse Lebas (~1913-)
Madeleine Lebas (19/02/1906-11/09/1960)
Emile Lebas (21/11/1915-23/01/2011) Show this unionShow this union Marie-Claire Dantinne (11/11/1918-10/12/2017) Show their descendants
Octave Lebas (02/10/1917-28/06/2012) Show this unionShow this union Restricted to members Show their descendants

Source 1 cuche
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