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Mister Henri de Kerchove (Henri )
Born at Gand, 9000, Fl. Or., Belgique on 11/11/1819. Deceased at Gand, 9000, Fl. Or., Belgique on 29/11/1885. Buried at Mazy, 5032, Namur, Belgique.
Biography Inhumé le 3 décembre 1885
Show this unionShow this union Pauline de Lemède de Waret (11/11/1819-14/10/1883)
Charles de Kerchove d'Exaerde (09/02/1845-26/02/1908) Show this unionShow this union Ursule Surmont de Volsberghe (1842-1926) Show their descendants
Alfred de Kerchove (06/05/1846-03/11/1917) Show this unionShow this union Marie Borlùùt d'Hooghstraete (19/08/1848-03/02/1889) Show their descendants
Ernest de Kerchove (01/04/1848-05/02/1919)
Marie de Kerchove (07/02/1851-02/03/1902)

Source 1 gounou
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