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Mister Paul Latteur (Paul Auguste Jean Ange Ghislain)
Born at Mons on 04/08/1907. Deceased at Etterbeek on 10/09/2001. Buried at .
Biography Administrateur délégué SOBEAC (Assurances)
Show this unionShow this union Antoinette Haegeman (26/11/1908-11/12/1995)
Francine Latteur (~1937-) Show this unionShow this union Jean-Pierre Roose (~1936-) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Pierre Mons (~1925-) Show their descendants
Baudouin Latteur (~1939-)
Jean-Pierre Latteur (~1941-) Show this unionShow this union Marie Leytens (~1943-) Show their descendants
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