Mrs Élisa Janssens De Varebeke (Élisa )
Born at Temse, Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgique on 05/06/1866. Deceased at Turnhout, Antwerpen, Belgique on 30/11/1918. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Louis Dierckx (17/04/1861-25/02/1942)
Xavier Dierckx (04/12/1890-30/11/1972) Show this unionShow this union Ghislaine Drugman (07/12/1908-16/02/1969) Show their descendants
Vincent Dierckx (~1894-)
Fernand Dierckx (17/06/1895-1973) Show this unionShow this union Madeleine Verwilghen (1901-) Show their descendants
Joseph Dierckx (1901-18/05/1975) Show this unionShow this union Anne-Marie Drugman (29/04/1907-07/07/2004) Show their descendants
Marie-Louise Dierckx (03/06/1893-) Show this unionShow this union Charles Van Hal (12/08/1896-20/09/1975) Show their descendants
Augustin Dierckx (~1905-)

Source 1 hourmanmichel
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