Mister Laurent de Jacquier de Rosée (Laurent Adolphe Joseph)
Born at ANTHÉE (Belgique) on 13/02/1813. Deceased at ONHAYE (Belgique) on 02/02/1858. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Thérèse de Sire de Melin (20/02/1830-17/02/1909)
Marie de Jacquier de Rosée (29/10/1849-04/09/1895) Show this unionShow this union Ludovic de Potesta de Waleffe (1837-1900) Show their descendants
Félix de Jacquier de Rosée (1854-1909) Show this unionShow this union Jenny Carlier (03/08/1860-18/04/1949) Show their descendants

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