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Mister Emmanuel Capelle (Emmanuel )
Born at Namur (Na) (Belgique) on 02/07/1811. Deceased at Durnal (Na) (Belgique) on 31/05/1870. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Julie-Marie Thibaut (19/07/1815-08/10/1886)
Louise Capelle (08/02/1846-06/03/1917)
Karl-Emmanuel Capelle (28/05/1847-06/05/1917) Show this unionShow this union Louise Boseret (15/06/1851-13/07/1926) Show their descendants
Jules Capelle (08/01/1849-06/09/1893)
Edmond Capelle (12/02/1850-16/05/1925) Show this unionShow this union Azélie Verhoost (18/10/1851-) Show their descendants
Henri Capelle (06/09/1851-26/03/1927)
Françoise Capelle (13/12/1852-17/01/1918)
Victor Capelle (11/03/1854-22/03/1905)

Source 1 sergechasseur1
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