Mrs Eugenie Dezegher (Eugenie )
Born at in ~1862.
Show this unionShow this union Nestor Beernaert (14/02/1859-12/12/1942)
Maurice Beernaert (02/02/1901-02/03/1978) Show this unionShow this union Oliva-Maria Werbrouck (13/04/1902-28/06/1963) Show their descendants
Yvonne Beernaert (23/04/1902-21/09/1966) Show this unionShow this union Alberic Verkindere (08/07/1904-09/09/1983) Show their descendants
Stephanie Beernaert (24/10/1905-16/11/1972) Show this unionShow this union Georges Dewitte (~1902-) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Edouard Overfelt (18/11/1905-) Show their descendants
Gerard Beernaert (24/10/1905-20/07/1969) Show this unionShow this union Maria Vansteenkiste (24/01/1905-09/07/1991) Show their descendants

Source 1 lapierenoel
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