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Mrs Marie Delvaux (Marie Joseph)
Born at Wanfercée-Baulet, Hainaut, Wallonie, Belgique on 29/03/1868. Deceased at Wanfercée-Baulet, Hainaut, Wallonie, Belgique on 05/12/1900. Buried at .
Biography   ? Marie Joseph Delvaux [°Wanfercée-Baulet] (Delvaux)
° Wanfercée-Baulet (? Marie Joseph Delvaux)
Show this unionShow this union François Anckaert (21/11/1866-)
Mélanie Anckaert (18/03/1887-) Show this unionShow this union Arthur Pietquin (09/04/1885-) Show their descendants
Jules Anckaert (26/03/1889-) Show this unionShow this union Rosa Pierard (06/01/1894-) Show their descendants
Joseph Anckaert (08/11/1892-)

Source 1 phleloup69
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