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Mrs Léocadie Castin (Léocadie )
Born at Wanfercée-Baulet, Hainaut, Wallonie, Belgique on 08/06/1848.
Biography   ? Léocadie Castin [°Wanfercée-Baulet] (Castin)
° Wanfercée-Baulet (? Léocadie Castin)
Show this unionShow this union Olivier Deloge (27/03/1846-)
Émile Deloge (07/05/1875-) Show this unionShow this union Célina Évrard (23/06/1874-) Show their descendants
Mélanie Deloge (08/01/1878-) Show this unionShow this union Léon Dehan (21/10/1877-) Show their descendants
Marie Deloge (01/04/1881-) Show this unionShow this union Armand Lardinois (16/08/1876-) Show their descendants
Jules Deloge (01/10/1884-) Show this unionShow this union Eva Lardinois (04/06/1886-) Show their descendants

Source 1 phleloup69
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