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Mister Victor Allard (Victor Léon Odilon)
Born at Bruxelles, Bruxelles capitale, Belgique on 22/06/1840. Deceased at Ixelles, Bruxelles capitale, Belgique on 18/04/1912. Buried at Uccle, Bruxelles capitale, Belgique.
Biography Banquier, vice-gouverneur de la Banque Nationale de Belgique, bourgmestre d'Uccle, sénateur.
Show this unionShow this union Emma Faignart (1845-1871)
Josse Allard (09/05/1868-26/04/1931) Show this unionShow this union Marie-Antoinette Calley Saint-Paul de Sinçay (23/10/1881-15/07/1977) Show their descendants
Suzanne Allard (12/05/1866-20/04/1893) Show this unionShow this union Guillaume van der Straten-Ponthoz (1854-) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Marguerite Wittouck (08/08/1853-20/05/1927)
Étienne Allard (20/11/1876-29/09/1945) Show this unionShow this union Enriqueta Perez Seoane y Cullen (15/07/1898-) Show their descendants

Source 1 hourmanmichel
Source 2 pierfit
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