Mrs Elise Boucquéau (Elise )
Born at Houdeng-Goegnies, La Louvière (België) in ~1819.
Show this unionShow this union Felix Wittouck (16/10/1812-25/05/1898)
Félix Wittouck (22/09/1849-1916)
Paulus Wittouck (06/08/1851-1917)
Marguerite Wittouck (08/08/1853-20/05/1927) Show this unionShow this union Victor Allard (22/06/1840-18/04/1912) Show their descendants
Franciscus Wittouck (31/03/1855-1914)
René Wittouck (~1850-1907)

Source 1 assel209
Source 2 pierfit
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