Mrs Marie-Thérèse Laval (Marie-Thérèse )
Born at Grune on 29/06/1861. Deceased at Grune on 20/05/1943. Buried at Grune, Nassogne, Belgique.
Show this unionShow this union Julien Miny (19/04/1850-29/03/1923)
Melchior Miny (24/11/1878-) Show this unionShow this union Marthe Thomas (23/01/1884-) Show their descendants
Joseph Miny (01/04/1884-) Show this unionShow this union Anna Gengoux (06/08/1876-) Show their descendants
François Miny (20/02/1887-04/10/1910)
Camille Miny (08/04/1892-) Show this unionShow this union Henriette Thomas (04/01/1891-) Show their descendants

Source 1 lamberm
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