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Mister Ferdinand Empein (Ferdinand )
Born at Le Roeulx, 7070, , Hainaut, Belgique on 20/10/1795.
Biography Baptisé - Paroisse St Nicolas - Le Roeulx, 7070, , Hainaut, Belgique
Couvreur en paille
Notes individuelles
signature: N
signature: O
Show this unionShow this union Marie Cambier (11/02/1791-27/02/1822)
Show this unionShow this union Marie Plisnier (07/08/1799-)
Rosine Empein (11/11/1824-10/09/1825)
Modeste Empein (11/07/1826-) Show this unionShow this union Clara Parot (1825-) Show their descendants
Rosine Empein (28/09/1829-)
François Empein (03/07/1834-)

Source 1 cathbonte
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