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Mrs Marie Doemens (Marie Elisabeth)
Born at Jabeek, Hollande on 01/03/1751.
Biography  Marie Elisabeth /Doemans/
Notes individuelles
1 NAME Marie Elisabeth /Doemans/
2 GIVN Marie Elisabeth
2 SURN Doemans
 Elizabeth /Deumens/
Notes individuelles
Source:, Url:
Source: Parochieregister Dopen, Huwelijken en Overlijdens Vechmaal 1799-1834 - PR Vechmaal 1799-1834 - Unknown
Show this unionShow this union Gérard Paulissen (15/11/1747-14/04/1797)
Marie-Cécile Paulissen (22/09/1786-16/07/1866) Show this unionShow this union Gilles Delvigne (09/07/1783-15/10/1840) Show their descendants

Source 1 dhausoul
Source 2 pvanbrab
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