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Mrs Maria Smolders (Maria )
Born at Diest on 13/02/1881. Deceased at Berchem on 01/10/1958. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Léon Dumortier (27/01/1873-27/02/1929)
Jean Dumortier (06/06/1902-09/07/1966) Show this unionShow this union Cécile Ratinckx (03/09/1902-) Show their descendants
Alfred Dumortier (26/10/1903-) Show this unionShow this union Madeleine Gentbrugge (05/06/1905-) Show their descendants
Restricted to members Show this unionShow this union Mathilde Van den Berg (08/10/1909-29/07/1941) Show their descendants
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