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Mister Maximilian von Bayern (Maximilian Joseph)
Born at Schwetzingen bei Mannheim on 27/05/1756. Deceased at München (Munich, Allemagne), Schloss Nymphenburg, on 13/10/1825. Buried at Theatinerkirche in München et son coeur dans la Gn.
Biography Maximilien Ier de Wittelsbach-Deux-Ponts Birkenfeld
Roi de Bavière
Josef Maximilian Ier
Herzog von Bayern
Show this unionShow this union Caroline de Bade (13/07/1776-13/11/1841)
Marie de Wittelsbach-de Bavière (30/08/1808-26/01/1892) Show this unionShow this union Maximilien de Wittelsbach-Bavière (04/10/1808-15/11/1888) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Marie von Hessen Darmstadt (14/04/1765-30/03/1796)
Augusta von Bayern (21/06/1788-13/05/1851) Show this unionShow this union Eugène de Beauharnais (03/09/1781-21/02/1824) Show their descendants

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