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Mrs Luise von Mecklenburg Strelitz (Luise Augusta Wilhelmine Amalie)
Born at Hannover, Palais an der Leinerstrasse, 7 h du mati on 10/03/1776. Deceased at Schloss Hohenzieritzn d?une infection pulmonaire on 19/07/1810. Buried at Berliner Dom (cathédrale de Berlin).
Biography Luise Augusta Wilhelmine Amalie zu MECKLENBURG STRELITZ
Baptisée le 25 mars 1776
Show this unionShow this union Friedrich von Preussen (03/08/1770-07/06/1840)
Luise von Preussen (01/02/1808-06/12/1870) Show this unionShow this union Willem van Oranje Nassau (28/02/1797-08/09/1881) Show their descendants

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