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Mrs Isabelle Anseau (Marie Isabelle)
Born at in ~1684. Deceased at Familleureux 7181 Hainaut Wallonie, France, , , , on 21/09/1746. Buried at église de Familleureux, vis-à-vis de l'autel de la.
Biography Inhumée le 21 septembre 1746 (mercredi) - Familleureux 7181 Hainaut Wallonie, France, , , ,
Show this unionShow this union Philippe d'Harveng (1671-26/09/1746)
Gilles d'Harveng (22/11/1710-29/03/1759) Show this unionShow this union Marie Wilmart (~1713-) Show their descendants
Éléonore d'Harveng (22/09/1713-) Show this unionShow this union Nicolas Ranchon (11/01/1707-) Show their descendants
Marie d'Harveng (06/12/1715-1784)
Philibert d'Harveng (22/04/1718-25/09/1772) Show this unionShow this union Marie de Basenghien (1745-) Show their descendants
Théodore d'Harveng (23/11/1720-13/07/1794) Show this unionShow this union Philippine Faute (07/12/1727-~1768) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Sabine de Prez (~1723-) Show their descendants
Marie d'Harveng (26/03/1723-1789)
Jean-François d'Harveng (27/12/1726-22/08/1744)
(Rosalie?) d'Harveng (1728-)

Source 1 rimette
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