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Mrs Isabelle Janssens (Marie-Catherine Isabelle)
Born at Tongres on 21/04/1788. Deceased at Tongres on 11/01/1862. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Jean-Guillaume Aerts (11/06/1786-03/08/1864)
Fanny Aerts (06/09/1812-)
Adélaïde Aerts (15/04/1814-16/01/1888) Show this unionShow this union Hubert-Dominique Vroonen (03/08/1805-07/11/1886) Show their descendants
Jean-François-Auguste Aerts (03/08/1816-18/01/1877) Show this unionShow this union Anne-Catherine Rossaert (22/01/1827-14/11/1854) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Marie van der Taelen (~1819-) Show their descendants
Isidore Aerts (29/11/1818-10/08/1891) Show this unionShow this union Joséphine Vroonen (19/08/1817-19/11/1896) Show their descendants
Paul-François Aerts (27/01/1821-)
Constantin Aerts (18/01/1824-06/02/1824)
Constance Aerts (24/05/1825-) Show this unionShow this union Jules Crespel (02/11/1821-29/01/1879) Show their descendants
Charlotte Aerts (16/09/1827-) Show this unionShow this union Louis-Hubert van Sintruyen (26/03/1828-) Show their descendants
Émile Aerts (07/08/1830-) Show this unionShow this union Isabelle van der Veeken (~1833-) Show their descendants
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Descendants list of Isabelle JanssensDescendants list of Isabelle Janssens