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Mister Josselin Ier de Courtenay (Josselin )
Born at Courtenay, 45320, Loiret, Centre, FRANCE, in 1020. Deceased at in 1079. Buried at .
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Show this unionShow this union Elisabeth de Montlhéry (~1045-)
Josselin Ier de Courtenay (1070-1131) Show this unionShow this union Béatrice d'Armenie (1075-1120) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Hildegarde de Gâtinais (1038-) Show their descendants
Ermengarde de Courtenay (1068-1139) Show this unionShow this union Renaud II de Joigny (1060-1115) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Hildegarde de Gâtinais (1038-)
Hodierne de Courtenay (1062-) Show this unionShow this union Geoffroi II de Joinville (1065-1128) Show their descendants

Source 1 fox
Source 2 alaindufour11
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