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Mister Burckard II de Ratisbonne (Burckard Burchard Bouchard)
Born at in 0881. Deceased at Novare Italie, , , , , on 29/04/0926. Buried at .
Biography Tué
Duc de Souabe et Rhétie (917- 926)
Alias Burckard de SOUABE ou von Schwaben ou Bouchard II de Souabe
Duc de Souabe 917-26, cte de Réthie, sgr de Regensburg
Né avant 882
Show this unionShow this union Régilinde de Nellenburg (0890-29/04/0958)
Judith von Regensburg (0895-0931) Show this unionShow this union Arnulf Ier Le Mauvais von Bayern (0892-14/07/0937) Show their descendants
? de Eilsz (~0900-) Show this unionShow this union Eberhard III de Lebarten (0898-0927) Show their descendants
Berta von Schwaben (0907-02/01/0966) Show this unionShow this union Rodolphe de Bourgogne (0890-11/07/0937) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Arnulf II von Beieren (~0918-22/07/0954) Show their descendants
Wiltrud de Souabe (0915-0976) Show this unionShow this union Berthold de Bavière (0900-23/11/0947) Show their descendants
Ulrich Ier de Lenzburg (~0920-0972) Show this unionShow this union Mechtilde d'Argovie (~0922-) Show their descendants

Source 1 pannedouche
Source 2 fox
Source 3 jmpiresechehaye
Source 4 favrejhas
Source 5 vtomeno
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