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Mrs Adeltrude de Quercy (Adeltrude )
Born at in ~0830.
Biography Alias Adeltrude de CAHORS
Née entre 835 et 840
Décédée après 879
Show this unionShow this union Géraud II d'Auvergne (0826-0879)
Adeltrude d'Auvergne (~0865-) Show this unionShow this union Gauzlin III du Maine (~0860-0907) Show their descendants
Géraud d'Aurillac (~0858-0909) Show this unionShow this union Adaltrude ? (~0860-) Show their descendants
Avigerna d'Aurillac (~0860-) Show this unionShow this union Aton II de Lautrec Trencavel (~0850-~0900) Show their descendants

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