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Mrs Clothilde de Reims (Clothilde )
Born at Reims, 51100, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne in 0620. Deceased at Bruyères-sur-Fère, 02130, Aisne, Picardie on 03/04/0673. Buried at .
Biography Décédée après 13 mars 673
Show this unionShow this union Childebrand de Bruyères (0630-0673)
Alpaïde de Bruyère (~0640-0741) Show this unionShow this union Pépin II de Herstal (~0635-16/12/0714) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Fulcoad d'Orléans (0630-0670) Show their descendants

Source 1 rogvisse
Source 2 philippejouffroy
Source 3 favrejhas
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