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Mister Simon Lensen (Simon Pierre)
Born at Visé on 11/01/1846. Deceased at Gulpen (Nl) on 10/10/1914. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Joséphine Dodemont (01/07/1851-29/11/1912)
Maria Lensen (~1875-)
Léonie Lensen (~1877-)
Jeanne Lensen (1879-1955) Show this unionShow this union Louis Simon (11/03/1878-1961) Show their descendants
Lisa Lensen (27/08/1875-26/01/1959) Show this unionShow this union Eustache Lafleur (06/04/1875-05/11/1959) Show their descendants
Joséphine Lensen (23/05/1883-) Show this unionShow this union Victor Raskinet (04/08/1882-) Show their descendants
Pauline Lensen (01/12/1888-) Show this unionShow this union Julien Bastin (28/03/1855-) Show their descendants

Source 1 jmassin
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