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Mrs Marie Evrard (Marie Joseph)
Born at Grune on 11/02/1789. Baptized at Bure - Dep. Sambre et Meuse - Prov. Luxemburg on 11/02/1789. Deceased at Grune, on 23/01/1859. Buried at Grune, province du Luxembourg, Belgique.
Show this unionShow this union Jean Mergeay (20/02/1774-02/03/1852)
Lambert Mergeay (08/10/1814-1890) Show this unionShow this union Marie Bouvy (01/02/1816-) Show their descendants
Marie Mergeay (25/09/1817-08/04/1893) Show this unionShow this union Dominique Bertin (12/06/1814-05/05/1892) Show their descendants
Rosalie Mergeay (26/06/1820-) Show this unionShow this union Jean Charlier (~1832-) Show their descendants
Maximilien Mergeay (26/03/1823-04/07/1887) Show this unionShow this union Clémence Dehive (1809-06/08/1902) Show their descendants
François Mergeay (20/09/1826-)

Source 1 maxhannart
Source 2 maxhannart
Source 3 lormans
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