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Mister Paul Waterkeyn (Paul François Bavon Marie Joseph)
Born at Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgique on 15/01/1875. Deceased at Saint-Cloud, Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, France, on 12/05/1969. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Clémence Meeùs (08/09/1878-05/04/1961)
Jacques Waterkeyn (11/04/1901-17/12/1973) Show this unionShow this union Monique de Brouwer (02/06/1904-17/01/1969) Show their descendants
Monique Waterkeyn (29/10/1910-20/02/2005) Show this unionShow this union Armand Harty de Pierrebourg (12/11/1909-03/04/1980) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Luc Waterkeyn (19/04/1897-22/11/1969) Show their descendants

Source 1 hourmanmichel
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