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Mister Léopold Roiseux (Léopold François)
Born at Bonsin, 5377, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE on 24/05/1851. Deceased at Soy, 6997, Luxembourg, Wallonie, BELGIQUE, on 15/11/1888. Buried at .

Maréchal ferrant

Show this unionShow this union Marie Grignet (10/07/1853-27/03/1908)
Maria Roiseux (20/06/1880-31/12/1941) Show this unionShow this union Arsène Sepul (10/10/1871-14/01/1954) Show their descendants
Jules Roiseux (12/08/1882-15/12/1955) Show this unionShow this union Henriette Lefèvre (1894-1960) Show their descendants
Marie Roiseux (1885-)
Alphonse Roiseux (1887-1887)
Constance Roiseux (1889-)

Source 1 roiseuxbernard
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