Mister Guillaume Kleist (Guillaume Jules Rodolphe)
Born at Berlin, ALLEMAGNE on 16/11/1852. Deceased at Bruxelles, 1000, Bruxelles-Capitale, BELGIQUE, on 20/04/1913. Buried at cimetière de Bruxelles - Evere, 1140, Bruxelles, Bruxelles Capitale, BELGIQUE.
Biography Négociant
Show this unionShow this union Marie Duparque (14/02/1850-01/01/1912)
Louis Kleist (29/01/1877-1938)
Célestine Kleist (18/09/1884-28/09/1943) Show this unionShow this union Charles Lederer (06/12/1881-06/06/1951) Show their descendants

Source 1 phsiobud
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