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Mister Emile Dessy (Emile Joseph)
Born at Rosée, 5620, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE on 24/11/1834. Deceased at Marchienne-au-Pont, 6030, Hainaut, Wallonie, BELGIQUE, on 04/03/1868. Buried at .
Biography Cabaretier en 1858 percepteur de barrière ? en 1862
Show this unionShow this union Mélanie Noel (25/03/1836-05/08/1922)
Bernard Dessy (06/06/1867-07/12/1956) Show this unionShow this union Clotilde Plouchard (08/12/1867-12/10/1944) Show their descendants

Source 1 maddy3
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