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Mister Claude Orban (Claude )
Born at La Roche on 14/01/1810. Deceased at Stavelot on 04/09/1889. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Eugénie Nicolay (08/06/1813-18/02/1875)
Grégoire Orban (26/08/1840-10/09/1860)
Lucie Orban de Xivry (23/09/1841-17/12/1922) Show this unionShow this union Alexandre Amand (16/07/1827-31/10/1899) Show their descendants
Claude Orban (28/10/1844-22/08/1864)
Eugénie Orban de Xivry (07/09/1846-19/12/1887) Show this unionShow this union Lucien Hayemal (~1843-) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Gustave Houssard (~1843-) Show their descendants
Eugène-Émile Orban (1850-1867)
Antoine Orban de Xivry (18/11/1850-06/01/1934) Show this unionShow this union Marthe Bouhon (~1853-) Show their descendants

Source 1 lucdewalquesk
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