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Mister Albert I de Saxe Cobourg-Gotha (Albert )
Born at Bruxelles, 1000, Bruxelles-Capitale, Belgique on 08/04/1875. Deceased at Marche-les-Dames, 5024, Namur, Belgique on 17/02/1934. Buried at Laeken, 1020, Bruxelles-Capitale, Belgique.
Show this unionShow this union Élisabeth von Wittelsbach-de Baviere (25/07/1876-23/11/1965)
Léopold III de Saxe Cobourg-Gotha (03/11/1901-) Show this unionShow this union Astrid Bernadotte (17/11/1905-29/08/1935) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Liliane Baëls de Réthy (28/11/1916-07/06/2002) Show their descendants
Charles de Saxe Cobourg-Gotha (10/10/1903-) Show this unionShow this union Jacqueline Peyrebrune (~1906-) Show their descendants
Marie-José de Saxe Cobourg-Gotha (04/08/1906-) Show this unionShow this union Umberto II de Savoie (15/09/1904-) Show their descendants

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