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Mister Jean-Guillaume Chasseur (Jean-Guillaume )
Born at Ciplet (Lg) (Belgique) on 20/07/1833. Deceased at Ciplet (Lg) (Belgique) on 05/05/1915. Buried at .
Biography Journalier
Show this unionShow this union Marie Dethier (18/11/1843-06/05/1921)
Henri Chasseur (29/06/1864-19/08/1931) Show this unionShow this union Alénie Mazy (10/10/1867-24/02/1914) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Emma Fontaine (31/10/1881-12/1971) Show their descendants
Marie-Rosalie Chasseur (15/11/1866-27/07/1921) Show this unionShow this union Mathieu Moors (30/05/1866-) Show their descendants
Marie-Thérèse Chasseur (27/05/1869-13/12/1921) Show this unionShow this union Jean-Joseph Catoul (01/10/1837-10/06/1890) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Ferdinand Depas (11/07/1852-09/07/1929) Show their descendants
Charles Chasseur (26/01/1872-26/04/1918)
Henri Chasseur (06/06/1874-20/01/1947)
Marie-Henriette Chasseur (27/10/1876-16/04/1933) Show this unionShow this union Alexis Catoul (31/07/1876-10/06/1941) Show their descendants
Marie-Joséphine Chasseur (09/05/1879-28/12/1943)
Louis Chasseur (08/03/1882-20/09/1948) Show this unionShow this union Rosalie Thonet (14/06/1884-01/01/1936) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Marie Belin (17/01/1882-04/11/1967) Show their descendants
Gustave Chasseur (22/09/1884-27/03/1959)

Source 1 sergechasseur1
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