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Mister Jean-Baptiste Meert (Jean-Baptiste )
Born at Alost on 09/10/1806. Deceased at Saint-Nicolas-Waes on 05/02/1884. Buried at .
Show this unionShow this union Evelina De Schepper (27/10/1802-21/01/1873)
Charles Meert (18/04/1834-14/08/1834)
Emilie - Louise Meert (25/09/1836-)
Emile Meert (17/11/1846-22/01/1922) Show this unionShow this union Céline Fièvé (12/04/1854-01/04/1896) Show their descendants
Célestine Meert (03/06/1838-)
Honorine Meert (28/11/1842-14/03/1919) Show this unionShow this union Florimond De Schepper (17/12/1839-28/11/1928) Show their descendants
Léonie Meert (25/01/1845-)
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Descendants list of Jean-Baptiste MeertDescendants list of Jean-Baptiste Meert