Descent of

Show Herbert V de Vermandois's parentsShow Herbert V de Vermandois's parents
Show Adèle de Valois's parentsShow Adèle de Valois's parents
Herbert V de Vermandois
united to
Adèle de Valois

Eudes Ier de Vermandois (~1060-) Show this unionShow this union Aude de Saint-Simon (~1060-) Show their descendants
Adélaide de Vermandois (1062-23/09/1120) Show this unionShow this union Hugues Ier Le Grand de Vermandois (~1057-18/10/1102) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Renaud II de Clermont en Beauvaisis (25/01/1081-16/12/1152) Show their descendants

Source 1 delobelle
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