Descent of

Show Agapithe Deharveng's parentsShow Agapithe Deharveng's parents
Agapithe Deharveng
united to
Pélagie Marcq
united in 1769

Pierre de Harveng (23/05/1770-1795)
Augustin de Harveng (19/09/1771-)
Agapithe Deharveng (18/10/1773-14/07/1832) Show this unionShow this union Victoire Deharvengt (18/07/1778-20/06/1824) Show their descendants
Félicité de Harveng (03/07/1775-)
Joseph de Harveng (16/05/1777-)
Émile de Harveng (21/09/1778-)
Pélagie de Harveng (11/06/1780-)
Hyacinthe de Harveng (25/02/1782-17/09/1847) Show this unionShow this union Pierre Fanget (17/12/1769-16/10/1846) Show their descendants
Marie-Florence de Harveng (01/05/1783-)
Marie-Angélique de Harveng (22/02/1784-) Show this unionShow this union François Carlier (~1781-) Show their descendants
Constant de Harveng (05/06/1787-1879) Show this unionShow this union Philippine Riche (~1800-) Show their descendants
Marie-Augustine de Harveng (1789-)
Domitile de Harveng (27/10/1792-)

Source 1 apaget
Source 2 hcoppee
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