Descent of

Show Humberto Ier aux blanches-mains de Savoie's parentsShow Humberto Ier aux blanches-mains de Savoie's parents
Show Auxiliende de Solignac's parentsShow Auxiliende de Solignac's parents
Humberto Ier aux blanches-mains de Savoie
united to
Auxiliende de Solignac

Constanza de Savoie (~1012-) Show this unionShow this union Otton II de Montferrato (1015-20/11/1084) Show their descendants
Othon Ier de Savoie (1010-19/03/1060) Show this unionShow this union Adélaïde de Turin (1015-1091) Show their descendants
Osilie de Savoie (1005-) Show this unionShow this union Béraud de Scey-en-Varais (~0996-1044) Show their descendants
Adélaïde de Savoie (~1010-~1079) Show this unionShow this union Aynard II de Domène (0995-18/01/1083) Show their descendants

Source 1 fox
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