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Show Léon Petit's parentsShow Léon Petit's parents
Show Jeanine Vanham's parentsShow Jeanine Vanham's parents
Léon Petit
united to
Jeanine Vanham
united in 1900

Léon Joseph Clément Ghislain Petit (30/06/1901-02/12/1961) Show this unionShow this union Jeanne Biernaux (11/03/1903-10/01/1995) Show their descendants
Madeleine Petit (14/06/1902-25/08/1996) Show this unionShow this union Antoine Mertens de Wilmars (21/06/1896-20/12/1969) Show their descendants
Jean Petit (13/08/1903-13/02/1991) Show this unionShow this union Denise De Schepper (28/10/1909-21/03/2000) Show their descendants
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