Descent of

Show Eustache Blondel de Beauregard de Viane's parentsShow Eustache Blondel de Beauregard de Viane's parents
Show Marie de la Motte Baraffe's parentsShow Marie de la Motte Baraffe's parents
Eustache Blondel de Beauregard de Viane
united to
Marie de la Motte Baraffe
united on 25/04/1810 at Tournai,

LĂ©onie de Blondel de Beauregard de Viane (30/03/1819-16/11/1869) Show this unionShow this union Ernest de Steenhault de Waerbeek (05/10/1815-13/02/1886) Show their descendants

Source 1 scoomans
Source 2 antterli
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