Descent of

Show Pépin III de France's parentsShow Pépin III de France's parents
Show Bertrade de Laon's parentsShow Bertrade de Laon's parents
Pépin III de France
united to
Bertrade de Laon
united in 0744

Charlemagne de France (02/04/0747-28/01/0814) Show this unionShow this union Himiltrude de Bourgogne (0742-) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Ermengarda ou Désidérade de Lombardie (~0750-) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Hildegarde von Vintzgau (~0757-26/04/0783) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Fastrade von Ostfranken (~0750-10/08/0794) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Liutgarde aus Alemannien (~0750-~0800) Show their descendants
Show this unionShow this union Regina (~0750-) Show their descendants
Carloman II d'Austrasie (0751-04/12/0771) Show this unionShow this union Gerberge de Lombardie (~0750-) Show their descendants
Gisela (?) de France (~0750-)
Ermengarde de France (0743-) Show this unionShow this union Isembart von Altdorf (0735-0805) Show their descendants

Source 1 favrejhas
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