Descent of

Show Walthere Joris's parentsShow Walthere Joris's parents
Show Dieudonnée Dumont's parentsShow Dieudonnée Dumont's parents
Walthere Joris
united to
Dieudonnée Dumont
united on 14/04/1810 at Nessonvaux

Marie Joris (27/02/1808-)
Pierre Joris (30/07/1810-)
Henri Joris (17/01/1813-)
Marie Joris (03/07/1815-)
Walthere Joris (08/01/1818-)
Théodore Joris (23/10/1820-)
Jacques Joris (25/07/1823-06/01/1865) Show this unionShow this union Marie Michel (04/02/1824-) Show their descendants
Hubert Joris (07/08/1826-)
Marie Joris (29/12/1829-03/06/1836)
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