Descent of

Show Aethelwulf le Fier de Wessex's parentsShow Aethelwulf le Fier de Wessex's parents
Show Osburga of Hampshire's parentsShow Osburga of Hampshire's parents
Aethelwulf le Fier de Wessex
united to
Osburga of Hampshire
united in ~0839

Aethelred d'Angleterre (~0815-23/04/0871) Show this unionShow this union Wulfthryth ? (~0817-) Show their descendants
Alfred Ier le Grand d'Angleterre (~0819-26/10/0899) Show this unionShow this union Ealhswyth Mucil (~0821-05/12/0905) Show their descendants

Source 1 fox
Source 2 mvanhoegaerden
Source 3 desmetpatrice
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