Descent of

Show Guillaume le Conquérant de Normandie's parentsShow Guillaume le Conquérant de Normandie's parents
Show Mathilde de Flandre's parentsShow Mathilde de Flandre's parents
Guillaume le Conquérant de Normandie
united to
Mathilde de Flandre
Mariés Mathilde de FLANDRES

Gundrade de Normandie (1054-27/05/1085) Show this unionShow this union Guillaume de Warenne (1044-24/06/1089) Show their descendants
Alix de Normandie (1063-08/03/1137) Show this unionShow this union Étienne de Blois (~1045-13/07/1102) Show their descendants
Henri de Normandie (10/09/1068-01/12/1135) Show this unionShow this union Elisabeth de Meulan (~1089-) Show their descendants

Source 1 favrejhas
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